Posts Categorized: philosoph-ish


21th century|thats our time|but|why do we all spend it sharing|what we are doing|how we feel|not with one person|but with thousands of screens all over the world|everybody reads our lives|online|but who really shares it|offline|


while all our lives are so diverse|yet|we all once were given birth by a woman|as a result of a man’s and the woman’s dna shuffled together|soon birth might not require a woman anymore|soon dna can be put together at will|how will this change of source influence the birthless children’s minds|


sun|blue skies|cheerful people|it is melting|finally|snow gone|we all feel the awaited season in us|flushing out foul winter depressions|defrost your emotions|let them sprout|


while the earth keeps turning|unperturbed|the world is changing|and so are our lives|whether it is on our account or not|when scared of changes|what are we really scared of|the change itself|or the adaption to it|


in times where sentences like|i was in new york yesterday|no|today i am in paris|see you in two days in rio|come natural to us|if distance is not what matters anymore|what does matter|time matters|duration|it is not the distance that is of importance|important is the time spend in one place|everybody can fly to new york just like this|not everybody can stay for more than a fortnight|if even that|hence the menace of relationships is not distance|it rather is the time not spent together|


there is the brain|it holds memories|it puts things into context|it is complex|it controls our behaviors|it controls everything|life|but|it does not control our tummy|the feelings we have about life|the instincts we can not explain nor control|it is our stomach that puts the little extra feeling to our existence|a sensation|we do not want to miss|a sensation that really makes us|human|


now|no now|today|yes|no|why|the time started again|the time when spring is around the corner and you can feel it|you long for it|each day when it gets a little warmer we hope for the start of spring|for me every season has something special|and right at the middle of one i am already waiting for the next|summer|winter|spring|i think i could never live in a place that doesn’t have seasons|at least not all year-round|


sometimes i wonder|if instead of trying so desperately to keep my head above the water|i should rather focus on learning how to dive|whether you are struggling hard to keep on top of it|or give in to its embrace and let it drag you to its depths|both times the water is your enemy|if you make it your ally|study carefully its streams and swirls|and put them to your use|learn to economize your breath|and manage to stay calm when waves mount up above your head|trusting your abilities and discretion|you might actually get somewhere from your own strength|instead of frantically gasping for breath|and hoping for a boat to come and safe you|


my brother always thought that my piece of chocolate was bigger than his|so we traded|never a bad deal|in europe we believe that japanese knifes are the best|japanese people buy german knifes because they are legendary|what we can have we do not want|what we want is what we can not have|exactly|men with kids are sexy in the eyes of women|because|they are very likely to be in a relationship|unavailable|thus wanted|longing for the better|always bored with what we have|human|isn’t it|


we all know it|i am just going to repeat the facts again|we can not see it|it weights close to nothing|it is essential for us|but still we couldn’t care less|we simply forget about one of the most important things there are in this world|and just like with everything else we have to care once we lack it|


we live in a world based on material|on means|things we made|natural things are rare|when was the last time you had breakfast on a rock somewhere out in the woods instead of having it at your designer table|sitting on designer chairs let alone the fake vitamins you eat for breakfast as a supplement to the fake food you eat everyday|but how bad is it really if one enjoys the means we can buy|


mothers just know what you don’t want to hear about|and in many cases that is exactly what they are going to talk about|while some things are important to talk about|other things we just hear over and over again as if we didn’t know it ourselves|for me my mother’s probing in problems i know i have doesn’t make it easier for me to solve them|in order to still stand upright after a talk with my mother i need to push the problems away|that certainly doesn’t help the already hard process of solving the problems|i know it|my mom knows it|but|we keep talking|


yes or no|black or white|man or woman|gay or straight|good or bad|virgin or whore|right or wrong|our life is complicated enough|when classifying things we want it simple|is that wise or unwise|i’d say it’s neither|and both|


i like to think things through|there’s nothing wrong with that|but what happens when thinking becomes an end in itself|when it prevents me from acting|when it is just keeping me busy long enough to spare me the trouble of making a decision|when “i think, therefore i am” perversely turns into “i think, therefore i stop being”|i am not sure how this should influence my actions|but i’m sure i’ll think of something once i thought it through|


one-sided love can be the worst but may be the most honest love there is|knowing that the loved person doesn’t love you back makes the relationship quite clear|love-wise|the question how deep does he/she love me just doesn’t occur|no insecureness at all|of course we pay the price for not being loved back|pain|just a few things are as honest as the words|i don’t love you|because if you truly do love, you would never say that you don’t|no lying|


i have never met a person who doesn’t like crispy food|something about crispy food makes us happy, gives u a inner satisfaction while chewing|what does our conscience associate with crispy|fresh|healthy|it must be something good|fresh fruit can be crispy but don’t have to be|so there is no connection of the texture of food with their healthiness|i’d like to know|crispy-comments welcome|


you have to have sight in order to see|but if you don’t see you need to be helped|either glasses or contacts can solve the problem|then you have sight|but do you see|can you see what’s behind|can you see what’s inside|most people with perfect sight don’t see|in many cases it is not the glasses or the contacts that make us see|in order to see|open your eyes|


they say we should live neither in the past nor in the future|of course i want to live my life now|but it’s my past that makes me what i am today|good memories give me strength when i most need it|bad memories prevent me from making unwise choices|both kinds enable me to learn and to tell stories|i’m little afraid of losing my money or possessions|but i’m clinging to my memories|i take them with me wherever i go|in the end, money and possessions are nothing but a vessel for memories|material things remind me of what happened in the past|and money allows me to make new experiences in the future|


a day is like a dish|3 parts|meat|vegetables|and side-dish|like noodles or potatoes|sleep|work|leisure|some people|love their noodles and hardly eat anything else|as some love sleeping and choose sleep over fun or work|others go with the meat|work all day|hardly sleep and only have squeezed-in leisure time|how much does the dish we choose represent what we are|and what happens if we make ourselves follow a special diet|will that fuck it all up|


there are things in life which cannot be explained rationally|but need we really understand everything|this is what makes life mysterious to some extend|the phone is ringing|the person you were just thinking of is on the other end of the line|what a coincidence|yes|no|you say something|your vis-à-vis is amazed|he or she just wanted to say the same|you are not feeling well|get a call from someone|who just had that ‚feeling’|worries and cares about you|it makes me feel loved|valued|as much as i love and value the other person|it is definitely something that makes life worth living|


the japanese language has a word for every social phenomenon one can think of|’demodori’ is a divorced woman who moves back in with her parents|’giri-choco’ is the valentine chocolate given to colleagues and the like out of sheer obligation|i wonder how they call the fetish of trying to subordinate people and cultural phenomena| by putting a label on them|


the concept of wishing is simple and easy to distinguish from asking|while asking needs a real addressee – wishing doesn’t|but how effective is a wish if there is no addressee|are we, secretly, the addresser and addressee|

think-ish II

be patient|listen to your heart|trust your intuition|what does it say|don’t be too skeptical|do not underestimate the message|signs sometimes imply more than you would expect|if you know somebody well|you will know what he or she is thinking|combine gestures with what the person says|people are often too scared|do not express their feelings and wishes openly|they are afraid to get hurt|to hurt others|destroy things|help them overcome their inhibitions|be a role model for what you demand from others|stop using gestures and mimics|say what you think and want|express your feelings|other people will start to do the same|so, be patient|


don’t even say what you are thinking|to what extent do we really know what the other person is thinking|how would we know|what makes us think we could know|how much do we give by our mimics, gestures|why are we constantly reading the gestures of the people we are trying to understand|what if|we would stop trying to know what the others are thinking and rather listen to what they are saying|that would mean|finally we all should say what we are thinking|no more will we rely on the skills of the others reading what one is not saying|


is it a phenomenon when one gets older|not that i would consider myself old yet|but still|i ask myself where the good old times have gone|times, when life was ingenuous|meaning, that one was living from one day to the other not having to think about tomorrow|life as an adult can be exhausting|there are so many things one has to think about|topics one had not have to deal with when still a child|it makes me pensive|but still|i do not want the old times back|the rite of passage can be challenging|and now i am satisfied, happy and proud of my grown-up life|i love to look back|back to good memories and experiences with family and friends|and from time to time i take the liberty to be silly and act like a child|at the same time, i am excited what life still has to offer|one should pause and re-orient for a moment|to consider for oneself who and what is important in life|tell people how much you love them and how proud you are of them|enjoy life to its fullest|because you never know what tomorrow might bring


stomach–hurts|my mind–not functional|creativity–gone|i’m agitated|almost never|but it happens|longing to be held|longing to be as far away as possible from everybody|i hate myself when i’m like that|what is this place i’m in|a place of bitterness, pain and darkness|can i leave this place|no|not at my will|


what do we wish for|what can we ask for|are we always asking for more|is there more or are we just adding more onto what we already have|what do we really need|if there was no competition|if we wouldn’t know what more means|would we have nothing, and die|more seems to be a very natural thing to ask for|since we were babies we needed more to grow|so if there is no more|then what|


male| female| pansexuality| monosexuality| heterosexuality| autosexuality| homosexuality| asexuality| bisexuality|we luv em’ labels|it is yes and no|it is male and female|there is hetero and homo|there is black and white|and grey|while many women strive to become more masculine and love their men to be more understanding, less macho, more – feminine|doesn’t hetero become homo|is it the women who are becoming more masculine who show us the natural bisexuality|not the bisexuality meaning the ability of having sex with both male and female human|but rather the two sexes that we are both holding inside|if only 2,5% in men, and 5% in women of our total genome make the difference between male and female – how can one be 100% male or female|aren’t we all – gay|for me i might be gayer than most know – but i am certainly not as gay as some people wish|


will i do it tomorrow|unlikely|although if asked, that would be my answer, yes tomorrow|am i lying|yes|so|bad is| i’m lying to myself|worse is|i’m lying to somebody else|eventually we have to do it – no matter what|but what makes me not realize that|life would be so much easier|probably|i’ll think about that|tomorrow|


what does a cow look like|do potatoes grow on trees|did we substitute essential knowledge with knowledge about how to go about when faced with a urban-fully-automatic-water-closet where if you don’t have the necessary change you might just not have human needs|


the first infusion has caffeine|the second lots of tannins|nobody talks about the third|what is it about firsts|does a first always ask for a second|nobody asks about the third – odd – you ever had a good third|if there is a third|do we stop counting|does it matter no more|things that are countable seem to please us more|there is something secure about countable things|


sometimes we seem to get trapped in the identity we invented for ourselves|we feel like there is something we cannot do or say because it would be so unlike us|funny thinking|just how stable is our identity|if i would lose my memory and had to start all over again|what kind of person would i become|would i recognize or even like myself|would i be better off without my experiences and memories|would oblivion mean bliss or torture|when i realise that despite its constraints i like my present self too much to find out|is that an epiphany or is it just me affirming my imprisonment yet again|after all it would be so unlike me to even consider doing anything reckless|sometimes i wish i could believe in some kind of god|because then i could entrust someone else with brooding about my identity|and happily accept the constraints of my life as part of some master plan|


in a time where friends don’t live just next door but across countries, continents, oceans – the mean of communication become unbelievably important to us|having no internet connection is bearable for a couple days, having the words ‘no service’ show on your cellphone display almost physically hurts|we are so used to be ‘connected’ all the time that is feels surreal when one comes to a spot where you can only connect to what your eyes can see, your ears can hear and your hands can touch|the real thing|to surrounding that became less important|we finally see a horizon again|