
male| female| pansexuality| monosexuality| heterosexuality| autosexuality| homosexuality| asexuality| bisexuality|we luv em’ labels|it is yes and no|it is male and female|there is hetero and homo|there is black and white|and grey|while many women strive to become more masculine and love their men to be more understanding, less macho, more – feminine|doesn’t hetero become homo|is it the women who are becoming more masculine who show us the natural bisexuality|not the bisexuality meaning the ability of having sex with both male and female human|but rather the two sexes that we are both holding inside|if only 2,5% in men, and 5% in women of our total genome make the difference between male and female – how can one be 100% male or female|aren’t we all – gay|for me i might be gayer than most know – but i am certainly not as gay as some people wish|

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