Monthly Archives: January 2008


when i feel sad|i play the piano|when i feel good|i play the piano|whenever i have to think about something|i hit some notes on the piano|it makes me relax and opens my mind to all possibilities, solutions and ideas there are|it is my way of meditation|since i don’t read music and just play|i can even close my eyes and just focus on|nothing|perfect|my fingers do their thing on the keys|my mind gets soothed by the sounds that don’t mean much anymore since time is non existant when i play|

think-ish II

be patient|listen to your heart|trust your intuition|what does it say|don’t be too skeptical|do not underestimate the message|signs sometimes imply more than you would expect|if you know somebody well|you will know what he or she is thinking|combine gestures with what the person says|people are often too scared|do not express their feelings and wishes openly|they are afraid to get hurt|to hurt others|destroy things|help them overcome their inhibitions|be a role model for what you demand from others|stop using gestures and mimics|say what you think and want|express your feelings|other people will start to do the same|so, be patient|


no day without a wake-up shower|don’t|just don’t talk to me when i’m on my way to the shower in the morning|you would confuse me|put my life in danger because i might stumble|i might forget the well-trained path from my bed to the shower and end up clueless about where i am – what i was about to do – or – even worse who i am|i reincarnate in my shower|


don’t even say what you are thinking|to what extent do we really know what the other person is thinking|how would we know|what makes us think we could know|how much do we give by our mimics, gestures|why are we constantly reading the gestures of the people we are trying to understand|what if|we would stop trying to know what the others are thinking and rather listen to what they are saying|that would mean|finally we all should say what we are thinking|no more will we rely on the skills of the others reading what one is not saying|


is it a phenomenon when one gets older|not that i would consider myself old yet|but still|i ask myself where the good old times have gone|times, when life was ingenuous|meaning, that one was living from one day to the other not having to think about tomorrow|life as an adult can be exhausting|there are so many things one has to think about|topics one had not have to deal with when still a child|it makes me pensive|but still|i do not want the old times back|the rite of passage can be challenging|and now i am satisfied, happy and proud of my grown-up life|i love to look back|back to good memories and experiences with family and friends|and from time to time i take the liberty to be silly and act like a child|at the same time, i am excited what life still has to offer|one should pause and re-orient for a moment|to consider for oneself who and what is important in life|tell people how much you love them and how proud you are of them|enjoy life to its fullest|because you never know what tomorrow might bring


stomach–hurts|my mind–not functional|creativity–gone|i’m agitated|almost never|but it happens|longing to be held|longing to be as far away as possible from everybody|i hate myself when i’m like that|what is this place i’m in|a place of bitterness, pain and darkness|can i leave this place|no|not at my will|


what are we revealing|what do we try to show when wearing jeans with holes|skin|no|skin everywhere nowadays|it’s not about the skin|used might be the right word|we like to look used|not new|at least with some of our clothes|and yes we pay for used|why not|we also pay for tanning|although one could just let the sun do its job|but|it takes to long|it doesn’t look as good|we just don’t have the patience|we pay for our impatience|


it rejuvenates me when i am weary|it soothes me when i am restless|the hot water numbs my limbs and my brain|it blurs my senses and eases my pain| it is the best way to start|spend|end|a dreadful|ordinary|perfect|day|i would rather renounce my bed and sleep on the floor|than refrain from having a bath|


what do we wish for|what can we ask for|are we always asking for more|is there more or are we just adding more onto what we already have|what do we really need|if there was no competition|if we wouldn’t know what more means|would we have nothing, and die|more seems to be a very natural thing to ask for|since we were babies we needed more to grow|so if there is no more|then what|


male| female| pansexuality| monosexuality| heterosexuality| autosexuality| homosexuality| asexuality| bisexuality|we luv em’ labels|it is yes and no|it is male and female|there is hetero and homo|there is black and white|and grey|while many women strive to become more masculine and love their men to be more understanding, less macho, more – feminine|doesn’t hetero become homo|is it the women who are becoming more masculine who show us the natural bisexuality|not the bisexuality meaning the ability of having sex with both male and female human|but rather the two sexes that we are both holding inside|if only 2,5% in men, and 5% in women of our total genome make the difference between male and female – how can one be 100% male or female|aren’t we all – gay|for me i might be gayer than most know – but i am certainly not as gay as some people wish|


will i do it tomorrow|unlikely|although if asked, that would be my answer, yes tomorrow|am i lying|yes|so|bad is| i’m lying to myself|worse is|i’m lying to somebody else|eventually we have to do it – no matter what|but what makes me not realize that|life would be so much easier|probably|i’ll think about that|tomorrow|


what does a cow look like|do potatoes grow on trees|did we substitute essential knowledge with knowledge about how to go about when faced with a urban-fully-automatic-water-closet where if you don’t have the necessary change you might just not have human needs|


the first infusion has caffeine|the second lots of tannins|nobody talks about the third|what is it about firsts|does a first always ask for a second|nobody asks about the third – odd – you ever had a good third|if there is a third|do we stop counting|does it matter no more|things that are countable seem to please us more|there is something secure about countable things|


we all know very simple rules and truths about life|to be healthy we need a balanced diet and regular exercise|to keep track of our finances we should start by writing down our expenses and earnings daily|it might take more time to keep putting something on our to do list than actually doing it|more often than not it is advisable to think before we speak|and simple rules are the hardest to follow|


it has been quite long, almost a month since the last blog came out|but due to the very prominent and much attention seeking christmas time – time was the most wanted good – the rare good|new year, new blog, new topics|new year, new blog|welcome 2008|