Monthly Archives: November 2008


no question|being able to see is very important|but what if your sight is taken by nature|overnight|we scrape|the windows of our cars in the morning|in wintertime|


my brother always thought that my piece of chocolate was bigger than his|so we traded|never a bad deal|in europe we believe that japanese knifes are the best|japanese people buy german knifes because they are legendary|what we can have we do not want|what we want is what we can not have|exactly|men with kids are sexy in the eyes of women|because|they are very likely to be in a relationship|unavailable|thus wanted|longing for the better|always bored with what we have|human|isn’t it|


one day|i give myself one free|really free day a week|saturday|why|why not|monday through friday – everybody works|so it just feels right to work too|but|while most people love their sunday to be free|i find that sunday is the most boring day of the week|so|i work on sundays too|if possible|saturday is my day|


oh darling|why didn’t you tell me it was your first time|i would have been gentler|less demanding|i knew i was more experienced than you|but i would never have guessed|still|it is all the more surprising|that this was the longest time|i ever did it|i want to|videophone with you again|


no list yet|the list|the christmas-present-list is due|for more than a month now|christmas is ahead|we all know it|we have always known|last year|the year before|and|even worse|next year|why|why is it so hard to think of presents earlier|is that what christmas has become|a run|a contest about who is most organized|who gets the presents in time|in summer|the list|i need my list|starting now| mom| dad| brother| grandma| friend| friend| friend| friend|


ever had a good friend who fell in love|and shared the excitement|that is a co-love experience|you just know why your friend turns red after reading a long-waited-for message|you hear just by the way your friend says hello after picking up the phone who is calling|being in a co-love-relationship is just fun|