Monthly Archives: May 2008


we all know it|i am just going to repeat the facts again|we can not see it|it weights close to nothing|it is essential for us|but still we couldn’t care less|we simply forget about one of the most important things there are in this world|and just like with everything else we have to care once we lack it|


we live in a world based on material|on means|things we made|natural things are rare|when was the last time you had breakfast on a rock somewhere out in the woods instead of having it at your designer table|sitting on designer chairs let alone the fake vitamins you eat for breakfast as a supplement to the fake food you eat everyday|but how bad is it really if one enjoys the means we can buy|


mothers just know what you don’t want to hear about|and in many cases that is exactly what they are going to talk about|while some things are important to talk about|other things we just hear over and over again as if we didn’t know it ourselves|for me my mother’s probing in problems i know i have doesn’t make it easier for me to solve them|in order to still stand upright after a talk with my mother i need to push the problems away|that certainly doesn’t help the already hard process of solving the problems|i know it|my mom knows it|but|we keep talking|