Monthly Archives: September 2010


moving actually does not mean moving|it means cleaning|sorting|getting rid of stuff|that is what you really do when moving to a new apartment|and|there seems to be no end to it|there are very few things in life that do not end|ever|cleaning is one of them|i wonder if my life is long enough to make peace with a world where there is no end to cleaning|sorting|getting rid of stuff|


every night|at ten past twelve|an alarm goes off|in the neighborhood|i only hear it if the balcony door is not closed|it is far|but there|where|i do not know|for it is dark|i can only hear it|can not see it|if only the owner of the clock would wake up|and respond to the calling of his clock|he must have set month ago|i am awake|always|i wonder if the clock will find the one it is calling for|before its power runs out|ten past twelve at night|what an unusual time for a clock to come alive|